A strategy to learn programming from experts by going through their code, and writing comments to explain everything.
Explaining ERC20 token distribution, air-dropping and issuance etc while also discussing how to launch an ICO.
Blockchain has become really popular. Overhyped infact. This can be attributed to the recent spike in price of Bitcoin.
Contains my embedded presentation slides that I used when I was giving a talk session on DevOps and Build Automation to my software team.
A simple webapp CRUD application with basic user authentication system for internal equipment tracking use.
Creating my responsive daily routine timeline using Google Charts with just few lines of HTML and JavaScript code.
A compilation of some commonly use PHP functions or code snippets that I have been using for most of my PHP projects.
SimpleLogger.cs is a very simple logger class that I wrote for my own use in some of my mini C# project developments.
My singleton class code snippet called SerialPortManager for handling serial data communication in some of my C# projects.
XmlHelper.cs is a helper class for XML data serialization and deserialization that I wrote to be used in my C# projects.
Lambda expression helps me to write coding faster and shorter in C#. Let's learn how we can use lambda expressions, delegates, predicates and closures.
MVVM.cs is a collection of Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern common classes that can be implemented by any ViewModel (VM).
Just sharing some of the good common coding practices that I have been practicing in my coding style at work for C# programming.
Full example code for Windows Console application to demonstrate the multithreading programming in .NET C#.
Simple singleton pattern to turn your class into a singleton class. It's very simple and perform well, best use with time-consuming operation class in C# programming.
Demonstrating my own substitution cipher created in C# WPF using my own encoding method to encode the plaintext message into the encrypted strings.
Set up your own fully functional WAMP (Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server on Windows without using any ready-made package like WampServer, XAMPP and so on.
Starting PHP version 5.5 onwards, password hashing in PHP application made easy as new native password hashing functions have been introduced.
If you need custom PHP function to secure your confidential information or to hash user password in unbreakable manner, these PHP code snippets may help and ease up your work.
From scripting it in mIRC program to .NET C# application, and finally to JavaScript; AI chatbot is one of the interesting projects to explore and getting myself exposed to AI programming.