

I’m Abhinav Das. I go by various aliases including “Abhi,” supay, phantomcoder and 0x23212f. I am a innovation specialist with deep software engineering and architecture background. I currently serve as the Head of Innovation at Hexon Global LLC and also as a Director at Teqsense - my venture builder business. I experiment, code, dream, build and break stuff. Things that interest me the most today are blockchain, AI/ML, RPA, computer vision, cybersecurity and IoT. I’m also interested in the convergence of two or more of these technologies. You may connect with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter. My email id is - x at abhinav das dot com.

Interestingly, the technology field might not be my true passion. I love making people laugh - there’s something special about that. I do stand-up comedy in my spare time. I also play the violin in the hindustani classical style of the Maihar gharana.

Site Colophon

This site is a place I share my thoughts, opinions, reviews, ideas, personal1 projects or findings. This website does, in no manner, represent the thoughts of anybody or entity but my own. I’m raving mad, and my essays will reflect that.

Site Disclaimer

The information in this site is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights. This blog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. It is solely my opinion. My thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This site just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason.


Unless otherwise stated, all original code snippets presented on this blog are licensed under MIT License. All original texts (blog articles) on this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 License.

  1. Sometimes, purely hobby stuff.